If you have ever struggled with Mutationproblems in an DateTime-Object you might understand why the standard has been
defined this way.
But if you have been keeping attention you might argue that the following line should not work if the request object is
$response->getBody()->write('Hello World!');
The response-body implements a stream interface which is immutable for some reasons that are described in the
[meta-document](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/meta/#why-are-streams-mutable). For me the important thing is to be
aware of the problems that can occur with mutable objects. Here is a small [Blogpost](http://andrew.carterlunn.co.uk/programming/2016/05/22/psr-7-is-not-immutable.html) that gives some context. Beware that the Middleware-Example in
the post is based on a deprecated middleware standard. But more on middlewares will be discussed in later chapters.
I for one am happy about that fact, as it saves me from writing at least 3 lines of code whenever i want to add content
to a response object.
$body = $response->getBody();
$body->write('Hello World!');
$response = $response->withBody($body);
Right now we are just outputting the Response-Body without any headers or http-status. So we need to expand our
output-logic a little bit more. Replace the line that echos the response-body with the following:
foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
This code is still fairly simple and there is a lot more stuff that can be considered when emitting a response to a
webbrowser, if you want a more complete solution you can take a look at the [httpsoft/http-emitter](https://github.com/httpsoft/http-emitter/blob/master/src/SapiEmitter.php) package on github.
Remember that the object is only storing data, so if you set multiple status codes before you send the response, only the last one will be applied.
Be sure to run composer phpstan, composer fix and composer check before moving on to the next chapter