[<< previous](11-templating.md) | [next >>](13-refactoring.md) ### Configuration In the last chapter we added some more definitions to our dependencies.php in that definitions we needed to pass quite a few configuration settings and filesystem strings to the constructors of the classes. This might work for a small projects, but if we are growing we want to source that out to a more explicit file that holds all the configuration values for our project. As this is not a problem unique to our project there are already a some options available. Some projects use [.env](https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv) files, others use [.ini](https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.parse-ini-file.php), there is [yaml](https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.yaml-parse-file.php) as well some frameworks have implemented complex Readers for many configuration file formats that can be used, take a look at the [laminas config component](https://docs.laminas.dev/laminas-config/reader/) for example. As I am a big fan of writing everything in php, which gives our IDE the chance to autocomplete our code better I am quite happy that PHP8 gives us some tools to achieve easy to use configuration via php. You can take a look at [this blogpost](https://stitcher.io/blog/what-about-config-builders) to read about some considerations on that topic before moving on. For the purpose of this Tutorial I will use a simple ValueObject that has all our configuration values as properties. create a `Configuration.php` class in the `./src` folder: ```php fn (Configuration $c) => simpleDispatcher(require $c->routesFile), Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader::class => fn (Configuration $c) => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader( $c->templateDir, [ 'extension' => $c->templateExtension, ] ), ``` Magically this is all we need to do, as the PHP-DI container knows that all constructor parameters of our configuration class have default values and can create the needed object on its own. There is one small problem: If we want to change environment from `dev` to `prod` we would need to update the configuration class in the src directory. This is something we don't want to do on every deployment. So lets add a file in our `./config` directory called `settings.php` that returns a Configuration object. ```php fn () => require __DIR__ . '/settings.php', ``` One small oversight to fix is in the registration of our error-handler in the bootstrap-file. There we read the environment with the getenv-method. Lets change the line: ```php $environment = getenv('ENVIRONMENT') ?: 'dev'; ``` to: ```php $config = require __DIR__ . '/../config/settings.php'; assert($config instanceof \Lubian\NoFramework\Configuration); $environment = $config->environment; ``` Check if everything still works, run your code quality checks and commit the changes before moving on the next chapter. You might notice that phpstan throws an error as there is a documented violation missing. You can either regenerate the baseline, or simply remove that line from the `phpstan-baseline.neon` file. [<< previous](11-templating.md) | [next >>](13-refactoring.md)