To run the site, you need a valid environment file.
#### 3.1 Copy the example
Under the folder 'config', you can find a `.env.example`-file, which you can use to create your enviroment file.
Start of by coping the file, and rename it to `.env`
`cp config/.env.example config/.env`
The example already includes settings for the database and logs.
#### 3.2 Adding your Discord-App
One thing, that the example doesn't contain is the discord app. Thats something you need to add.
Simply create an app in the [Discord Developer Portal]( and add the required values in the environment file
### 4 Creating the Database
Now after ensuring you have the dependencies and a valid environment file, we can create the database.
Again, if you have PHP installed you can just do: `php ./src/php/bin/doctrine.php orm:schema-tool:create`
If you don't want to do this, just let docker to do it:
docker run -v .:/app --rm -it php:8.3-cli php /app/src/php/bin/doctrine.php orm:schema-tool:create
### 5 Running the containers
Now finally, after creating the database, just go into the deploy folder (`cd deploy`) and start the compose file.
You may see, that there are two file (`docker-compose.yaml` and `docker-compose-dev.yml`). As you may expect the second is for local development so probably the one you should use.
The first does effectively the same thing, but for the production environment.
Congratulations! The website should now boot up and after docker is done downloading, you should be able to use http://localhost:8080 to open the page.