# Games Shop This is the repository for the free games shop hosted on [shop.iedsoftworks.com](https://shop.iedsoftworks.com). ## Developers and local testers To start a local variant of the site, you **need** Docker (with docker compose). ### 1 Cloning the repo Start with cloning the repository `git clone https://git.php.fail/neintonine/gamesshop.git` and entering the folder for it `cd gamesshop` ### 2 Installing dependencies Then you need to install/build the NPM and composer portion. There are two ways of doing it. #### 2.1 Local NPM & Composer If you have NodeJS and PHP8.3 with composer installed, you can simply run: `npm install && npm run build && composer install` #### 2.2 Docker If you don't have those installed, and are unwilling to install them, you can use docker to install and build the required packages. JS: `docker run --rm --volume "$PWD":/app -w /app node npm install && npm run build` PHP: `docker run --rm --volume "$PWD":/app -w /app composer composer install --ignore-platform-req=ext-gd` ### 3 Creating the environment file To run the site, you need a valid environment file. #### 3.1 Copy the example Under the folder 'config', you can find a `.env.example`-file, which you can use to create your enviroment file. Start of by coping the file, and rename it to `.env` `cp config/.env.example config/.env` The example already includes settings for the database and logs. #### 3.2 Adding your Discord-App One thing, that the example doesn't contain is the discord app. Thats something you need to add. Simply create an app in the [Discord Developer Portal](https://discord.com/developers/applications) and add the required values in the environment file ### 4 Creating the Database Now after ensuring you have the dependencies and a valid environment file, we can create the database. Again, if you have PHP installed you can just do: `php ./src/php/bin/doctrine.php orm:schema-tool:create` If you don't want to do this, just let docker to do it: ```bash docker run -v .:/app --rm -it php:8.3-cli php /app/src/php/bin/doctrine.php orm:schema-tool:create ``` ### 5 Running the containers Now finally, after creating the database, just go into the deploy folder (`cd deploy`) and start the compose file. You may see, that there are two file (`docker-compose.yaml` and `docker-compose-dev.yml`). As you may expect the second is for local development so probably the one you should use. The first does effectively the same thing, but for the production environment. ```bash docker compose -f ./docker-compose-dev.yml up ``` Congratulations! The website should now boot up and after docker is done downloading, you should be able to use http://localhost:8080 to open the page.