2014-09-12 23:49:22 +02:00

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PHP already has a few things built in to make working with HTTP easier. For example there are the superglobals that contain the request information.

These are good if you just want to get a quick and dirty script runnin. But if you want to write clean, maintanable, SOLID code, then you will want a class with a nice object oriented interface that you can use in your application.

Once again, you don't have to reinvent the wheel and just install a package. I decided to write my own HTTP component.

Some alternatives: Symfony HttpFoundation, Nette HTTP Component, Aura Http, sabre/http

In this tutorial I will use my own HTTP component, but of course you can use whichever package you like most. Just change the code accordingly.

Again, edit the composer.json to add the new component and then run composer update:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.5.0",
    "filp/whoops": ">=1.1.2",
    "patricklouys/http": ">=1.0.2"

to be continued...